The library at IIM Udaipur is an indispensable resource that provides comprehensive and authoritative information on subjects relating to management, business and allied areas as well as a selection of material on the social sciences and topics of general interest.
The library offers an extensive collection of physical and digital resources comprising books and e-books, print and e-journals, an exhaustive range of databases, reference titles, case studies, DVDs/CDs and other materials. The library is fully automated using the most advanced library management systems.
The objectives of the library are:
Once construction of the new campus is fully completed, the library will be the architecturally spectacular focal point of the new campus, providing not just a study space but a hub for dynamic interactions – cubicles for group meetings, small seminar rooms and state of the art AV and multimedia support. Its inviting spaces and expansive views will create the ideal environment for reading, research, study and reflection.
No login is necessary to search the catalogue but only registered users may have access to the content. If you are a member of the IIMU community, click here to login. Registered users are able to access all library resources from the IIMU intranet as well as from remote locations, Remote Login Access.
The library provides a wide range of online and offline resources to support the research projects of faculty and students:
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) has initiated the National Digital Library of India (NDL India) pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. Click Here
The library is primarily for the use of IIMU faculty, students and professional staff who can access its resources 24/7 using their personal login ID. In selected cases, the library may also be used by outside research scholars and individuals from government and the corporate sector whose research projects are consistent with the Institute's mission. For further inquiries, contact