Our Logo

IIM Udaipur - Best MBA colleges in india

Our Logo

The IIMU logo encapsulates our mission.  It is based on the form of a simple square that gradually transforms.  The square – balanced, well-defined and stable – represents IIMU’s solid bedrock of excellence in teaching and research.  As it opens up on all four sides the overlapping flaps add a sense of transparency, action and dynamism.  The form continues to transform into an intricate representation of a familiar Indian cultural motif.  The colors yellow and green provide an element of harmony and highlight the four arms that reach outward to the region and the community.


Our U

As a complement to our logo, the U calls attention to our singular identity among the IIMs – anchored in Udaipur, open to the world, standing out, unique.

Our Chevron

The chevron is a form rooted in the IIMU logo.  Just as the logo encapsulates our mission, the forward thrust of the chevron reflects the essence of the values and culture of IIMU.