When I landed an Internship offer from Stellar Value Chain Solutions in early April 2018, I was excited to venture into the city of dreams-Mumbai for this invigorating, yet challenging opportunity. On the first day of my internship, I was introduced to the founder of the company, VP-Process Excellence and Solution Design Team members for a briefing of my deliverables. To gain a better understanding of the flow of information and material throughout the Supply Chain, I visited the warehouse situated at Uran in the outskirts of Mumbai. The problems related to uncertainty and variability in demand were clearly apparent along the way. Taking the entrepreneurial path, I decided to visit some of the efficient warehouses, to take in the best practices and strategize on improving the Supply chain at Stellar Value. Combining my prior experience with the classroom learning at IIM Udaipur, I inculcated a series of regressions, number crunching, and statistics in parallel to heuristic ways to improve the productivity and streamline operations. Backed by numbers and reasoning, I was able to do justice to my learning and propose solid recommendations to the organizations. In the last few days of my internship, I prepared a plan for Warehouse Inventory keeping and defined a streamlined work breakdown structure and warehouse processes.
This internship was instrumental in cementing my concepts on Warehouse and Inventory management and getting hands-on experience on working with a dynamic and energetic team at Stellar Value Chain Solutions.