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IIM Udaipur - Best MBA colleges in india


Vijayta  Doshi
IIM Udaipur - Best MBA colleges in india
Vijayta Doshi

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management


  • Fellow Programme in Management (FPM),2015, IIM, Ahmedabad, India
  • MBA 2009, University Business School (UBS), Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
  • B. Sc. (Hons.) Biotechnology, 2007- Panjab University,Chandigarh, India

  • Article of the Year 2021 Award by the Journal Management Communication Quarterly (MCQ) for the article: Doshi, V., Turner, P. K., & Vohra, N. (2021). Challenging the discourse of leadership as knowledge: Knowing and not knowing. Management Communication Quarterly, 35(2), 201–225, https://doi.org/10.1177/0893318920950462.
  • Best Paper Award by the AOM 2021 CMS Division: Solo-authored paper adjudged among the Best Papers by the CMS division at the 81st Annual Academy of Management (AoM) 2021 (top 10%). (AoM Best paper proceedings)
  • Winner of the International Ph. D Student Competition 2013 conducted by the School of Management, University of South Australia, Adelaide. Selected as one of the 15 Ph. D candidates across the world to attend a discussion forum on Management in the 21st century at the University of South Australia, Adelaide from 11th to 13th November, 2013. I wrote an essay on 'Management in 21st century' based on my thesis work.
  • Selected as one of the 100 'leaders of tomorrow' across 80 countries for the 43rd St. Gallen Symposium, Switzerland held from 2nd to 3rd May, 2013. I wrote an article on sub-theme 'Management of excellence' under the main theme of 'rewarding courage'
  • Best Paper Award in Organizational Behavior track at the Doctoral Colloquium held at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India from 9th to 11th December, 2013.
  • Privileged to be selected for the doctoral students mentorship programme in 3rd Indian Academy of Management held at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India from 12th to 14th December, to receive one-on-one mentorship from the founding father of Critical Management Studies, Mats Alvesson, Professor, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Institute (IIM-Ahmedabad) winner in an essay writing competition organized by the United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan and Shri Ram Chandra Mission. I wrote an essay on the topic: "It is not what you look at that matters, but what you see" - H.D. Thoreau
  • Received Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) (in management area) in National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Government of India, New Delhi
  • GPA of 3.56 (A grade) in the second year in the fellow programme comprising of OB and research methodology courses
  • Secured 2nd rank in the M. B. A. (Biotech) batch
  • Earned 2nd rank among the B. Sc (Hons.) Biotechnology batch
  • Segarra, P., Doshi, V., Śliwa, M., Distinto, M., & Osorio, A. (2024). Editorial: The business of (im)migration: Bodies across borders. Journal of Business Ethics,  https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10551-024-05777-x.
  • Welsh, D., Kaciak, E., Fadairo, M., Doshi, V., & Lopez, C. (2023). How to erase gender differences in entrepreneurial success? Look at the ecosystem. Journal of Business Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.113320.
  • Doshi, V. (2022). Experiencing liminality: At the crossroads of neoliberal and gendered experiences. Gender, Work & Organization. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12810.
  • Doshi, V., Mukherjee, S., & Yang, Y. (2021). Network centrality and negative ties in feminine and masculine occupations. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10490-021-09785-7.
  • Doshi, V., (2020). Symbolic violence in embodying customer service work across the urban/rural divide. Gender, Work & Organization, 28(1), 39-53. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12571.
  • Doshi, V., Turner, P. K., & Vohra, N. (2020). Challenging the discourse of leadership as knowledge: Knowing and not knowing. Management Communication Quarterly, 35(2), 201-225. https://doi.org/10.1177/0893318920950462.
  • Banerjee, D., & Doshi, V. (2020). Gender, workplace support, and perceived job demands in the U.S. and Indian context. Personnel Review, 49(7), 1451-1465. https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-11-2019-0627.
  • Bhaskar, K., Doshi, V., & Choksi, P. (2019). Soya Express. Asian Journal of Management Cases. Forthcoming.
  • Crossman, J., & Doshi, V. (2015). When 'not knowing' is a virtue: A business ethics perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 131, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-014-2267-8.
  • Doshi, V. (2014). Nursing industry: Where rescuers become the victims. International Journal of Nursing Education, 6(1), 261-265.
  • Doshi, V., & Khokle, P. (2012). An institutional perspective on corporate social responsibility. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 37(2), 98-102.
  • Doshi, V. (2012). Book review of Quest for exceptional leadership: Mirage to reality by Ravi Chaudhry, ed. 2011, New Delhi: Sage publications. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 37(2), 151-153.
  • Awarded the Government of India’s Ministry of Education’s - Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) grant (USD 82849) for a project titled ‘Technology-Based Low-Cost Solutions in Rural Healthcare: Impact on Patients and Service Providers’ as Indian PI.
  • Critical management studies, leadership, knowing/not knowing, gender, diversity & inclusion in organizations, and entrepreneurship.
  • Associate Editor (Special Issues): Qualitative Research in Organization and Management: 2024-Present.
  • Special Issue Co-Editor: Business & Society (BAS) Doshi, V., Peredo, A., Spiller, C., Kikon, D., Ogunyemi, K. Global Indigenous Peoples: Expanding the Intersection of Business & Society. https://journals.sagepub.com/pb-assets/cmscontent/BAS/2023-04-01%20Global%20Indigenous%20Peoples%20SI%20CfP-1680820364.pdf
  • Associate Editor: IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation: 2023- Present
  • Special Issue Co-Editor: Journal of Business Ethics (JBE)
    Distinto, M., Doshi, V., Osorio, A. E., Segarra, P., & Śliwa, M. The business of (im)migration: Bodies Across Borders. https://link.springer.com/collections/daghdehdba
  • Editorial Review Board Member: Gender, Work & Organization (GWO): 2020-2024
  • Co-Editor-in-Chief of CMS InTouch: 2020-2023
    CMS InTouch is a digital platform to foster real-time critical conversations in management and organizational theory. CMS InTouch is supported by the Academy of Management CMS Division and the journal Organization to help Critical Management Studies virtually connect across the world via free and open webinars and online workshops.
  • I teach Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management related courses in various programs, including the MBA program, Ph.D. program, Diploma programs, and Management Development Programs (MDPs).
  • Doshi, V., & Venugopal, V. (2022). Paper accepted and presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Seattle, U.S.A, in August 2022.
  • Doshi, V. (2021). Paper on women entrepreneurship was judged among the best papers (top 10% of the accepted papers) at the 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting held virtually (synchronous/live session) in July-August 2021.
  • Welsh, D. H. B., Kaciak, E., Fadairo, M., Doshi, V., & Lanchimba, C. (2021). Paper was accepted and presented at the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge (ACIEK) conference in Seville, Spain in 2022.
  • Doshi, V. (2021). Paper accepted and presented at the International Labour Process Conference held at the University of Greenwich in April 2021.
  • Alakavuklar, O., Bristow, A., Doshi, V., Osorio, A. E., & Riach, K. (2021). Paper accepted and presented at ephemera conference in June 2021.
  • Doshi, V., & Mukherjee, S. (2020). Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting at Vancouver, BC, Canada in August 2020. Due to COVID-19 it was a virtual event.
  • Doshi, V. (2020). Paper accepted at the 38th International Labour Process Conference to be held at Newcastle University, the UK in April 2021.
  • Doshi, V. (2019). Paper accepted (but not presented) at the Consumer Culture Theory Conference held at the John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada in July 2019.
  • Rai, A., & Doshi, V. (2019). Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting to be held at Boston, US, in August 2019.
  • Doshi, V., & Banerjee, D. (2019). Paper presented at the European Group of Organization Studies colloquium held at the University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh, the UK in July 2019.
  • Doshi, V., Marechael, G., Linstead, S. (2018). Paper presented at the European Group of Organization Studies colloquium held in Estonia Business School, Estonia in July 2018.
  • Doshi, V. (2018). Paper presented in the Gender, Work & Organization conference under the theme Race and Coloniality at Work held in Sydney in June 2018.
  • Doshi, V., Marechael, G., Linstead, S. (2018). Paper presented in the European Group of Organization Studies colloquium held in July in Estonia Business School, Estonia.
  • Doshi, V. (2018). Paper presented in the Gender, Work & Organization conference held in June in Sydney.
  • Doshi, V., Marechael G., Linstead, S. (2018). Paper presented in the British Academy of Management (BAM) conference held in September in UK.
  • Doshi, V., & Sullivan, V. (2017). Paper presented in the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) colloquium held in July in the Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Doshi, V. (2017). Paper presented in the European Academy of Management (EURAM) conference held in June in the University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
  • Schaefer, S., & Doshi, V. (2016). "Be Creative!": Control, Demand, Hypocrisy and the Management of Creativity. Paper presented in the Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting held in Anaheim, US, August 5th-9th, 2016.
  • Banerjee, D., & Doshi, V. (2015). Gender, workplace support, and perceived job-demand: A cross-cultural study in the US and Indian context. Paper presented in the Indian Academy of Management Conference held in IIM Lucknow, Noida Campus, December 12th, 2015.
  • Doshi, V. (2015). Smart bins stupid people. Pan IIM World Management Conference held at IIM Indore in December 16th to 18th, 2016. Paper accepted but not presented for personal reasons. http://wmc.iimidr.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/Paper-Presentation-Schedule.pdf
  • Doshi, V., & Vohra, N. (2014). Identity struggle: 'Not knowing' in leadership. Paper selected for presentation at 2nd Pan IIM World Management Conference held at IIM Kozhikode from 5th to 8th November 2014.
  • Doshi, V. (2014). Understanding the experiences of 'not knowing' in leadership. Selected for 74th Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) critical management studies doctoral consortium held from 1st to 5th August 2014.
  • Doshi, V. (2014). How do people deal with workplace situations in which they have a sense of 'not knowing' and what shapes their approach? Paper selected for PhD pre-colloquium at the 30th European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) colloquium held at School of Management, Erasmus Unviersity, Rotterdam University, Netherlands from 30th June to 5th July 2014.
  • Doshi,V., & Neharika, V. (2014). 'Not knowing' in leadership and consulting. Paper selected for presentation at the 14th European Academy of Management (EURAM) conference held at Valencia, Spain from 4th to 7th June 2014.
  • Doshi, V. (2014). A study on the experiences of 'not knowing' in leadership. Paper accepted for presentation in the 26th International Business Research Conference held at Imperial College, London, UK from 7th to 8th April 2014.
  • Doshi,V. (2013). Understanding the experiences of 'not knowing' in workplace. Paper presented in the 7th Doctoral Colloquium at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) held from 9th to 11th December 2013 (Won the Best Paper Award in OB track).
  • Doshi, V., Vohra, N., Khokle, P., & Sharma, R. (2013) Understanding the experiences of 'not knowing'. Paper presented in the 3rd Indian Academy of Management (IAM) conference held from 12th to 14th December at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
  • Doshi, V., & Vohra, N. (2013). Understanding the experiences of 'not knowing' in leadership. Paper accepted for presentation in the 27th Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) conference held from December 4th to 6th at Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
  • Doshi, V. (2013). Nursing industry: Where rescuers become the victims. Paper accepted for presentation in the 29th European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) colloquium held from July 4th to 6th in Montreal, Canada.
  • Doshi, V. (2013). 'Shaping' of managerial actions by socio-cultural networks. Paper accepted for presentation in the 15th Asia- Pacific Researchers in Organizational Studies (APROS) conference held from February 15th -17th in Hitotsubashi University, Japan.
  • Doshi, V. (2012). Perceived transformational leadership: Role of metacognitions and socio-emotional skills. Presented in the 12th International Human Resource Management (IHRM) conference held from December 10th to 13th in Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon, India.
  • Doshi, V., & Norhona, E. (2012). Saleswomen as Sexual Objects: A Study of the Retail Industry in India. Presented in the Qualitative Research in Management and Organization (QRM) Conference held on April 4th to 6th 2012 in Anderson School of Management, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.
  • Doshi, V. (2012). An institutional panorama of corporate social responsibility. Paper accepted for presentation in the Conference on Sustainable Business in Asia held from November 1st to 3rd in Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Bedi, M., & Doshi, V. (2010). Consumers' green purchase behavior: The effects of environmental knowledge, concern and attitude. Presented in the National Seminar on Population Environmental Linkages in North West India held from March 11th to 12th at the Centre of Advanced Study in Geography, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
  • Bedi, M., & Doshi, V. (2010). Understanding consumers' perception towards green marketing based products/green products. Presented in the National Seminar on Climate Change and Sustainable Development –Regional and Grassroot Initiatives held on March 4th to 5th at National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research, Chandigarh, India.
  • Doshi, V., & Saini, G. (2009). International tourist satisfaction: Indian Taxi Service Quality: An Application of SERVQUAL Model. Presented in the International Conference on Management & Valuation of Intangibles held from December 22nd to 23rd at University Business School (UBS), Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
  • Assistant Manager, Business Development in Corporate office of DashMesh Medicare Pvt. Ltd, Sector 17, Chandigarh.