Marketing Area

IIM Udaipur - Best MBA colleges in india

Marketing Area


The marketing area in IIMU is one of India's most research-active departments. With a set of nine full-time faculty members who work in different paradigms and research areas in Marketing. The area actively participates in research activities and discussions with faculty collaborating in-house and with scholars from other leading business schools. The area has three advisors who bring forth their rich experience in guiding the teaching and research activities of the in-house faculty.

Amogh Kumbargeri
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Amogh Kumbargeri

Ph.D.: IIM Ahmedabad, India
Ankur  Kapoor
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Ankur Kapoor

Ph.D.: IIM Ahmedabad, India
Arundhati  Bhattacharyya
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Arundhati Bhattacharyya

Ph.D.: Schulich School of Business, Canada
Ashish S. Galande
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Ashish S. Galande

FPM: Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India
Jayant  Nasa
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Jayant Nasa

FPM: Indian School of Business, India
Prakash  Satyavageeswaran
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Prakash Satyavageeswaran

FPM: Indian School of Business, India
Rajesh  R Nanarpuzha
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Rajesh R Nanarpuzha

FPM: IIM Ahmedabad, India
Ria Mishra
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Ria Mishra

PhD : IIM Calcutta, India
Srikant  Gokhale
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Srikant Gokhale

PGP: IIM Ahemdabad, India
Adjunct Faculty in Marketing
Vedha  Ponnappan
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Vedha Ponnappan

Ph.D.: - IIM, Bangalore, India
Faculty Advisors
Anirban Mukhopadhyay
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Anirban Mukhopadhyay

Chair Professor, Lifestyle International Professor of Business
Julien M. Cayla
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Julien M. Cayla

Associate Professor of Marketing at Nanyang Business School
Industry Advisory Board
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Arnika Dixit

Managing Director & Head - Cards, Lending & Payments + Digital, Data & Marketing at Citi India
Arun Joshi
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Arun Joshi

Chief Research Officer at Krenium
Bidisha Nagaraj
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Bidisha Nagaraj

Vice President Global Marketing - Home & Distribution Business at Schneider Electric India
Sagnik Ghosh
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Sagnik Ghosh

Business Head - Bengal Cluster at Viacom18
Sameer Satpathy
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Sameer Satpathy

Chief Executive of the Personal Care Products Division at ITC
Saroja Yeramilli
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Saroja Yeramilli

Founder CEO at Melorra
Vikas Purohit
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Vikas Purohit

CEO at Tata CLiQ


Journal Publications
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Case Studies
Book Chapters
Book reviews



IIM Udaipur hosted the Chicago Booth Quantitative Marketing Conference on December 14, 2022. The conference saw participation from Professors and PhD scholars from ISB, IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, Ahmedabad University and the Goa Institute of Management.

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Seminars and research talks

There are regular research seminars where the faculty present their current research work, which fosters the research culture. Prof. Prakash Satyavageeswaran, Prof. Arundhati Bhattacharyya, Prof. Jayant Nasa, Prof. Ankur Kapoor, and Prof. Ashish Galande have recently presented their research work in the internal research seminar series.

Many senior professors and researchers present research seminars and provide feedback to the faculty and Ph.D. students.

  • Prof. Murali MantralaUniversity of Missouri, visited IIMU in November 2019 and conducted a scientific research writing workshop for the Ph.D. students. He also met with the Ph.D. students and faculty members individually, providing feedback on their research.
  • Prof. Sundar BharadwajTerry College of Business, University of Georgia, visited IIMU during December 2019, where he led a week-long seminar on Marketing Strategy.
  • Prof. Julien CaylaNanyang Technological University, Singapore, visited the department in January 2020 and presented his latest research in a seminar. He has also conducted a hands-on research writing workshop.
  • Prof. Raghunath RaoUniversity of Texas at Austin, visited IIMU from July 20th, 2021 to July 31st, 2021. He presented a research seminar and met with individual faculty members, Ph.D. students, and Research Assistants.
  • IIMU has partnered with SPJIMR to bring home the research presentation experiences of world-class researchers. As part of this series, Prof. Rajesh Chandyinaugurated the Master Class session where he presented his paper, shared his research journey, and also explained how he crafts effective research presentations.
Consumer Culture Lab
Centre for Healthcare
Research Grants

The department’s faculty have got SPARC grants to promote research in marketing strategy.

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Courses offered

The Marketing area offers three core courses in the first year of the MBA program:

  • Marketing Management:We introduce the students to the fundamental concepts of marketing, such as segmentation-targeting-positioning, marketing mix, and marketing process model, and help them develop the necessary concepts and skills necessary for making business decisions.
  • Digital Marketing:It builds on Marketing Management to explain to the students how marketing, and specifically advertising, can be done differently in the digital world.
  • Marketing Research:It introduces the students to the different methods of conducting marketing research and teaches them how to choose the most suitable research method(s) as per the marketing/business decision that needs to be made on the basis of the research.

In the second year of the MBA program, students interested in Marketing can choose from these Marketing elective coursesavailable to them. Some of the most important Marketing elective courses are Consumer Behavior, B2B Marketing, Brand Management, Pricing, Integrated Marketing Communications, Sales and Distribution Management, and Marketing Analytics. Several of these courses are offered by IIMU resident faculty (of the Marketing area) and are very popular among the students because of the relevance of these courses for students’ placement in Marketing domain roles.

Ph.D. Program

The Ph.D. program in management from IIM Udaipur has been carefully designed to provide the students with strong academic credentials to undertake original research for an academic career. This program has visits from many senior professors and researchers from leading business schools who present research seminars and provide research feedback to the faculty and Ph.D. students.

The marketing department was the first to start the Ph.D. program at IIM Udaipur. Our first student Arti Srivastava won DUO grant for exchange at the University of Leeds. Her working paper has been accepted under the competitive papers section in the ACR conference and in the advanced track in the EMAC doctoral colloquium. The marketing Ph.D. students are encouraged to regularly participate in high-quality conferences. Such recent participations include ACR (2019, 2020, 2021), AMA (2020), NASMEI (2019, 2020), JM Workshop (Jan 2020), EMAC (2021), Canon of Classics (2021).

The Ph.D. program at IIMU offers rigorous, world-class, cutting-edge training in research with courses that are specific to the program. The marketing area offers eight marketing-specific core courses apart from other foundational and research methods courses. The Ph.D. students get an opportunity to work with faculty on their ongoing research. The coursework and mentoring provide support for the students to devise their research journey and a successful academic career.

The following students are currently enrolled in the Marketing Ph.D. program:

Sarita Uniyal
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Sarita Uniyal

MBA, Malaviya National Institute of Technology
Siddharth PK
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Siddharth PK

B. E. Mechanical Engineering, M.N.M Jain Engineering College
Lohith C T
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Lohith C T Electronics and Communication
Jayeti Anand
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Jayeti Anand

PGP in Marketing Leadership
Vidushi Trivedi
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Vidushi Trivedi

PGDM-C from MICA Ahmedabad
Himanshu Pandey
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Himanshu Pandey

Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Riya Wadhwani
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Riya Wadhwani

MBA in Marketing Management
Tejaswi Pant
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Tejaswi Pant

Master of Fashion Management (MFM)
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Shrestha Food Technology, University of Delhi

Graduated PhD Student

Arti Srivastava
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Arti Srivastava

Post Graduate Diploma in Management.
Faculty at the Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai.


Prof. Sundar Bharadwaj

“I visited for IIM(U) for about a week in 2019. I found that the academic institution to be chockfull of energy and excited about conducting top-quality research. The support starts at the top with the Director being encouraging of faculty research endeavors and designing the right set of incentives for faculty to pursue high-quality research. The faculty were working on interesting research projects and had built a strong doctoral student culture that is excited by research. It was encouraging to note that the faculty were keen on targeting the top journals for their research output.”

Prof. Israr Qureshi

“I have been engaged with two SPARC research projects with Professor Dhirendra Shukla. IIM-Udaipur provides excellent research facilities and infrastructural support. In addition, IIM-Udaipur has the locational advantage of being in the NGO capital of India, as Udaipur is home to innumerable development-related organizations, some of which are the very best in the country. Thus, IIM-Udaipur provides excellent opportunities to engage in research related to sustainable development, social entrepreneurship, social intermediation, and ICT for development. I have always enjoyed my visits to IIM-Udaipur and my interaction with the scholars there.”

Research/ Teaching Assistant Opportunities

Indian Institute of Management Udaipur is a research-intensive institute. It provides a flourishing research ecosystem to its faculty, research assistants and teaching assistants. A research assistant plays a critical role by assisting faculty in various aspects of research and in turn, learn during the process. The research assistants in marketing area are provided encouragement and handholding to initiate their own research and move on into a Ph.D. program after the completion of their stint at the institute. A teaching assistant plays a critical role in ensuring the overall learning experience of the students. Apart from assisting faculty in teaching, a TA is also encouraged to help faculty in research in spare time, thus helping them build research cum teaching profile.

RA Program

The RA program of the marketing area is specifically designed for those who are seriously considering pursuing a PhD in Marketing in India or abroad and want to get some experience to see if an academic career is what one wants to pursue. The primary responsibility of the RA is to help faculty members with their research, including but not limited to literature review, data collection, design and conduct experiments, data analysis, and academic writing and in the process, he/she will be able to build their own research profile. The RA may also be expected to help the area faculty with their teaching if required.

Due to the breadth of research areas where the faculty work on, the RA will get an opportunity to work on projects that cut across consumer behavior, marketing, strategy, analytics, and development. The skills you develop will help you in applying to the top doctoral programs in Marketing (both in India and abroad). The RA are expected to be self-motivated to take ownership of and lead research projects. They are given the opportunity to attend regular research seminars, where research papers are presented and discussed, by resident faculty as well as visiting faculty. When time permits, they may also attend PhD-level coursework offered at the institute.


Our past RA alumni are presently pursuing Ph.D.s in top global schools. A few of them are listed here:

Aman Soni

Ph.D. student
University of Pittsburgh

Ankit Singh

Ph.D. Student
Texas A&M University

Rishiraj Kashyap

Ph.D. Student
Ivey School of Business, Western University

Sakshi Babar

Ph.D. Student
Terry College of Business, Georgia State University

Swati Garg

Ph.D. Student
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Yasha Spriha

Ph.D. Student
University of Maryland

TA Program

The primary role of a teaching assistant is to help a faculty member with their teaching, along with other tasks such as updating the course outlines, preparing for sessions, designing and conducting quizzes, and grading. The TA can be expected to handle tutorials to the students independently for some courses. Due to the range of courses offered by the faculty, the TA gets exposure to a range of marketing courses that helps them learn in their job. The TA can also be expected to help the area faculty with their research work in their spare time, and in the process, one will be able to build good research cum teaching profile.

Our past TA alumni are presently pursing their own Ph.D. or faculty in other schools.

Priyanka Singh

Ph.D. student
University of Memphis

Priyanka Kaushik

Assistant Professor
IILM University, Gurugram