Published Research Paper

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Published Research Paper


Prof. Elizabeth Rose - "Strategic Search and Absorptive Capacity"

Are Ad Sequels Effective? Field and Experimental Evidence on Effectiveness and Mechanisms

Prof. Debanjan Mitra - "Reliability Analysis of Load-Sharing Systems Using a Flexible Model With Piecewise Linear Functions"

Prof. Ranojoy Basu - "Fair Profit Division."

Prof.Samir Biswas- "Milk adulteration testing and impact of farmers efficiency heterogeneity: A strategic analysis."

Prof. Malay Bhattacharyya - "Charting the Unknown: First Passage Time Probabilities for Pearson Diffusion Process and Application to Options Risk Management"

Prof. Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay - "Trends and cycles in rainfall, temperature, NDVI, IOD and SOI in the Mara-Serengeti: Insights for biodiversity conservation"

Prof. Ashish Sachdeva - "Private provider practices and incentives for hypertension management in rural and peri-urban Telangana, India– a qualitative study"

Prof. Arpana Rai - "A Double-Edged Sword: Empowering Leadership to Employees' Work-Life Interface"

Prof.Dina Banerjee - "Social Class, parental role, and track selection."

Prof. Jayant Nasa - "The Moral Compass of Identity: Ethical Predispositions Predict the Importance Consumers Ascribe to Their Group and Individual Identities"

Prof. Jayant Nasa, Prof.Prakash Satyavageeswaran, and Prof. Rajesh Nanarpuzha - "Advertising Stigmatized Products: Leverage Social Norms or Break the Stigma?"

Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay- "Hierarchical Bayesian Integrated Modeling of Age- and Sex-Structured Wildlife Population Dynamics."

Soorjith Karthikeyan - "Losing Their Religion: Organizational Identity Hybridization of British Political Parties 1950–2015"

Rezina Sultana - "Affirmative Action in Large Population Tullock Contests"


Prateek Sharma - "The nonlinear relationship between poverty and financial globalisation: A panel quantile regression approach"

Samadrita Bhattacharya - "The motivation paradox: Understanding contradictory effects of awards on contribution quantity versus quality in virtual community"

Dina Banerjee - "Tracking and identity: Second-generation Asian Indian students in the USA"

Dina Banerjee - "Tracking-related experiences of second-generation Asian Indian students in the USA"

Ashish S Galande - "You are lying! How misinformation accusations spread on Twitter"

Rezina Sultana - "Rent Dissipation in Large Population Tullock Contests"

Debanjan Mitra - "A Bivariate Weibull Distribution and Its Applications in Reliability"

Debanjan Mitra - "Flexible modelling of a bivariate degradation process with a shared frailty and an application to fatigue crack data"

Pradeep Kumar Hota - "Prefiguring Alternative Organizing: Confronting marginalization through projective cultural adjustment and tempered autonomy"

Ranojoy Basu - "Characterization of maxmed mechanisms for multiple objects"

Elizabeth L Rose - "Going complex or going easy? The impact of research questions on citations"

Tanvi Gupta - "More the merrier: Effects of plural brand names on perceived entitativity and brand attitude"

Ranojoy Basu - "Strategy-proof Multidimensional Mechanism Design"

Anirban Adhikary - "Engaging customers and suppliers for environmental sustainability: Investigating the drivers and the effects on firm performance"

Anirban Adhikary - "Supply base concentration and firm innovation performance: A contingency study of supply base breadth, depth, dispersion, and collaboration"

Arpana Rai - "How supportive and challenging behaviors of leaders promote employees' thriving at work: An examination of underlying mechanisms"

Arpana Rai - "Meaningful work from ethics perspective: Examination of ethical antecedents and outcomes of meaningful work"

Elizabeth L Rose - "Time matters: Rethinking the role of time in the philosophical, conceptual and methodological domains of international business"

Samarpan Nawn - "Proprietary algorithmic traders and liquidity supply during the pandemic"

Debanjan Mitra - "A flexible model based on piecewise linear approximation for the analysis of left truncated right censored data with covariates, and applications to Worcester Heart Attack Study data and Channing House data."

Ankur Kapoor - "The good and the glittery: a commentary on the contemporary culture of research and publications"

Moumita Tiwari - "Is more always better? Information acquisition and stock price crash risk"

Tanvi Gupta - "Dual Envy Influences Online Shoppers’ Intention to Purchase Luxury Counterfeits"

Gyanesh Raj - "Stochastic modeling of integrated order fulfillment processes with delivery time promise: Order picking, batching, and last-mile delivery"

Tanvi Gupta - "Marketing to Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Consumers in an Emerging Market: The Responses of Mainstream Consumers"

Sumit Kumar - "Optimality analysis and duality conditions for a class of conic semi-infinite program having vanishing constraints."

Sumit Kumar - "Novel computational technique for the direct estimation of risk-neutral density using call price data quotes."

Sumit Kumar - "Human activity recognition using fuzzy proximal support vector machine for multicategory classification."

Dina Banerjee - "Casteism and career change in India: A gender-based explanation of retention"

Pradeep Kumar Hota - "Contextually Balanced Engagement: Navigating Paradoxes of Localisation and Cultural Embedding in Rural Health Information Systems Implementation"

Nidhi Aggarwal - "Do decreases in Distance-to-Default predict rating downgrades?"

Arpana Rai - "Does competitive climate at work lead to problems at home? Examination of mediating pathways"

Debanjan Mitra - "A model for failure-time data with two dependent failure modes and prediction of future failures"


Prateek Sharma - "Advancing supply chain management from agility to hyperagility: a dynamic capability view"

Elizabeth L. Rose - "Africa rising: Opportunities for advancing theory on people, institutions, and the nation state in international business"

Probal Mojumder - "So, Who Likes You? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment"

Anupam Agrawal - "The over-ordering problem in trade credit: Role of return policies"

Nidhi Aggarwal - "When is the order-to-trade ratio fee effective?"

Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay - "Estimating promotion effects in email marketing using a large-scale cross classified Bayesian joint model for nested imbalanced data"

Anirban Adhikary - "Collaboration strategies in buyer-supplier relational (BSR) networks and sustainable firm performance: A trade-off story"

Ankur Kapoor - "The neural correlates and the underlying processes of weak brand choices"

Arpana Rai - "Interactional justice and cognitive rumination explain effects of empowering leadership on home life"

Bhavya Singhvi - "Creditor-controlled insolvency and firm financing– Evidence from India"

Dhirendra Mani Shukla - "Knowledge Commoning: Scaffolding and Technoficing to Overcome Challenges of Knowledge Curation"

N Viswanathan, Prateek Sharma - "Valuation effects of emissions reduction target disclosures."

Prateek Sharma - "Does earnings management affect linguistic features of MD&A disclosures?"

Prateek Sharma - "Blockchain adoption and firm performance: The contingent roles of intangible capital and environmental dynamism"

Samarpan Nawn - "Trading informativeness in modern markets"

Saurabh Gupta - "What do (future) civil servants think of bribery and corruption? Evidence from India"

Tushar Agrawal - "Beyond Consumption Expenditure: Income Inequality and Its Sources in India"

Tushar Agrawal # - "The impact of Covid-19 on household poverty: examining impacts and resilience in a 40-year timeframe in rural Rajasthan (India)"

Vijayta Doshi - "How to erase gender differences in entrepreneurial success? Look at the ecosystem"

Ranojoy Basu - "Approximate confidence intervals for the difference in proportions for partially observed binary data"

Elizabeth L. Rose - "Individual perceptions of institutional uncertainty: Evidence from India"

N Viswanathan - "Financing effects of corporate diversification: A review."

Ranojoy Basu - "Characterization of Vickrey auction with reserve price for multiple objects"

Sumit Kumar - "A Semi-Closed Form Approximation of Arbitrage-Free Call Option Price Surface"

Uday Damodaran - "Risk and ambiguous choices: individuals versus groups, an experimental analysis"


Ranojoy Basu, Viswanathan Nagarajan – A binomial decision tree to manage yield-uncertainty in multi-round academic admissions processes.

Viswanathan Nagarajan – Effect of the monsoon forecast announcement on stock returns

Ranojoy Basu, Ujjwal Das – Semiparametric multiple inflation count model with application to a smoking cessation study

Nagarajan, Viswanathan, and Prateek Sharma – "Firm internationalization and long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic"

Sharma, Prateek, Samit Paul – "Game of names: Blockchain premium in corporate names"

Sharma, Prateek, and Samit Paul - "Forecasting gains by using extreme value theory with realised GARCH filter"

Shobhit Aggarwal, Samarpan Nawn, Amish Dugar - "What caused global stock market meltdown during the COVID pandemic-Lockdown stringency or investor panic?"

Anirban Adhikary - "Impact of buyer - supplier network complexity on firms’ greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: An empirical investigation"

Anirban Adhikary - "How does the adoption of digital payment technologies influence unorganized retailers’ performance? An investigation in an emerging market"

Arpana Rai - "Examining fit perceptions and workplace bullying relationship: The moderating role of power distance orientation"

Arpana Rai- Empowering leadership and followers' good and bad behaviors: A dual mediation mode

Debanjan Mitra - "Likelihood analysis and stochastic EM algorithm for left truncated right censored data and associated model selection from the Lehmann family of life distributions"

Govind Kumawat - "Stochastic modeling of parallel process flows in intra - logistics systems: Applications in container terminals and compact storage systems"

Kunal Kamal Kumar - "Unintended Consequences of Promotions: Importance of Annual Incentives for Performance"

Rajesh Nanarpuzha - "A capability pathway to subjective economic well-being: Looking beyond materialism"

Samadrita Bhattacharyya - "Evaluating the performance of primary schools in India: evidence from West Bengal"

Satyam Mukherjee - "Do the mobility patterns for city taxicabs impact road safety?"

Saurabh Gupta - "Uber for tractors? Opportunities and challenges of digital tools for tractor hire in India and Nigeria"

Shaleen Gopal - "Are there limits to diversification in emerging economies? Distinguishing between firm-level and business group strategies"

Tanvi Gupta - "Safe Together, Vulnerable Apart: How Interstitial Space in Text Logos Impacts Brand Attitudes in Tight versus Loose Cultures"

Ujjwal Das - "Selection of influential variables in ordinal data with preponderance of zeros"

Sandhya Bhatia - "Closing the gender gap in top management teams: An examination of diversity and compensation parity in family and non-family firms"

Prakash Satyavageeswaran, Vedha Ponnappan - "Financing primary healthcare for rural areas"

Ashish S. Galande – "Express: Power and the Tweet How Viral Messaging Conveys Political Advantage"

Govind Lal Kumawat – "Stochastic modeling of parallel of process flows in intra-logistics systems: Applications in container terminals and compact storage systems"

Samadrita Bhattacharyya – "Artificial intelligence for decision support systems in the field of operations research: review and future scope of research"


Satyam Mukherjee – "Mentorship and Protégé Success in Science "

Satyam Mukherjee – "Social embeddedness in User Innovation Networks: Evidence from"

Kirti Mishra – "A multilevel analysis of climate change inaction: case study of an Australian electricity company "

Arpana Rai – "Examining the Impact of Justice Perceptions on Workplace Bullying: A Moderated Mediational Model of PCV and PDO"

Govind Lal Kumawat – "AGV or Lift-AGV? Performance trade-offs and design insights for container terminals with robotized transport vehicle technology "

Kirti Mishra – "Examining the Influence of Human Capital on Employees’ Innovative Work Behaviour: A Moderated Serial Mediation Model"

Govind Lal Kumawat – "A new solution approach for multi-stage semi-open queuing networks: An application in shuttle-based compact storage systems "

Vijayta Doshi – "Symbolic violence in embodying customer service work across the urban/rural divide"

Ujjwal Das - "Selection of influential variables in ordinal data with preponderance of zeros"

Anirban Adhikary – "Covid-19′s impact on supply chain decisions: Strategic insights from NASDAQ 100 firms using Twitter data"

Vijayta Doshi - "Challenging the Discourse of Leadership as Knowledge: Knowing and Not Knowing"

Satyam Mukherjee – "China’s scholarship shows atypical referencing patterns"

Tushar Agrawal - "Gender segregation and wage differentials in India: the role of educational attainment and occupational choices"

Manab Bose – "Public Leadership in a Public Sector"


Uday Damodaran – "Ambiguity attitudes and myopic loss aversion: Experimental evidence using carnival games"

Ankur Kapoor – "The Impact of Time-Keeping Direction on Compensatory Consumption: The Role of Perceived Resource Deficiency"

Prateek Sharma – “What’s in a name? A lot if it has "blockchain"

Ranojoy Basu – "A measure of authorship by publications"

Anirban Adhikary – "Is it too complex? The curious case of supply network complexity and focal firm innovation"

Dhirendra Mani Shukla – "Valuation effects of alliance portfolio expansion speed and strength: Evidence from high-tech firms"

Tushar Agarwal – "Food Subsidy in Cash or Kind? The Wrong Debate"

Debanjan Mitra and Ujjwal Das – "Interval censored competing risks data analysis under missing causes"

Samarpan Nawn – "Do the limit orders of proprietary and agency algorithmic traders discover or obscure security prices?"

Manab Bose - "Organizing Reflexivity: The Case of Coaching in Management Education Workshop"

Anirban Adhikary - "Understanding the structural characteristics of a firm's whole buyer-supplier network and its impact on international business performance"

Anirban Adhikary - "Investigating the impact of workforce racial diversity on the organizational corporate social responsibility performance: An institutional logics perspective"

Arundhati Bhattacharyya - "Consumer resilience and subservience in technology consumption by the poor"

Janat Shah - "Product greening and pricing strategies of firms under green sensitive consumer demand and environmental regulations"

Janat Shah - "Contextualisation of the complexity in the selection of developing country outsourcees by developed country outsourcers"

Neeti Sanan - "Influence of board characteristics on CSR: A study of Indian firms"

Nidhi Aggarwal - "When stock futures dominate price discovery"

Prateek Sharma - "Improving portfolio diversification: Identifying the right baskets for putting your eggs"

Rezina Sultana - "The incentive and efficiency effects of affirmative action: does envy matter?"

Samarpan Nawn - "Do Proprietary Algorithmic Traders Withdraw Liquidity during Market Stress?"

Satyam Mukherjee - "International Research Collaboration: Novelty, Conventionality, and Atypicality in Knowledge Recombination"

Satyam Mukherjee - "Prior Shared Success Predicts Victory in Team Competitions"

Satyam Mukherjee - "Network organization of coopetitive genetic influences on morphologies of human cerebral cortex"

Saurabh Gupta - "Is Africa ready to develop a competitive bioeconomy? The case of the cassava value web in Ghana"

Saurabh Gupta - "Analysis of maize biomass use in Ethiopia and its implications for food security and the bioeconomy"

Saurabh Gupta - "Making Contract Farming Arrangements Work in Africa’s Bioeconomy: Evidence from Cassava Outgrower Schemes in Ghana"

Shobhit Aggarwal - "Do stock markets witness instantaneous reactions to changes in dividend tax laws? : evidence from india"

Shobhit Aggarwal - "How important is applicants’ perception about job relatedness of selection process"

Tarun Jain - "Hybrid Cloud Computing Investment Strategies"

Sumit Kumar - "Option Implied Risk- Neutral Density Estimation: A Robust and Flexible Method"

Ujjwal Das - "Inference on zero inflated ordinal models with semiparametric link"

Kunal Kamal Kumar - "Linking loneliness to depression: a dynamic perspective"

Debanjan Mitra - "Statistical inference based on left truncated and interval censored data from log-location-scale family of distributions"

Tarun Jain - "Strategic Sourcing Under Supplier Development Investments"

Tarun Jain - "Sourcing under overconfident buyer and suppliers"

Tarun Jain - "Supplier selection under production learning and process improvements"


Agrawal, T. and A. Agrawal (2018). "Who Gains More from Education? A Comparative Analysis of Business, Farm and Wage Workers in India." Journal of Development Studies: 1-18.

Bhatia, S. and A. Tripathy (2018). "Impact of IFRS adoption on reporting of firm efficiency: case of Indian IT firms." International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 14(2-3): 128-158.

Das, U., S. S. Dhar and V. Pradhan (2018). "Corrected likelihood-ratio tests in logistic regression using small-sample data." Communications in Statistics-Theory Methods 47(17): 4272-4285.

Mandal, P., R. Kaul and T. Jain (2018). "Stocking and pricing decisions under endogenous demand and reference point effects." European Journal of Operational Research 264(1): 181-199.

Jain, T. and J. Hazra "On-demand” pricing and capacity management in cloud computing." Journal of Revenue Pricing Management: 1-19.

Mukherjee, S. and R. Whalen (2018). "Priority Queuing on the Docket: Universality of Judicial Dispute Resolution Timing." Frontiers in Physics 6: 1.

Roy, S. (2018). "Effects of customer experience across service types, customer types and time." Journal of Services Marketing.

Roy, S., V. Jain and N. Matta (2018). "An integrated model of luxury fashion consumption: perspective from a developing nation." Journal of Fashion Marketing Management: An International Journal 22(1): 49-66.

Roy, S. and A. S. Mishra (2018). "The Dual Entertainment Theory In Celebrity Endorsements: The Role of Celebrity Worship And Profession." Journal of Advertising Research 58(1): 33-50.


Roy, S. (2017). "App adoption and switching behavior: applying the extended tam in smartphone app usage." Journal of Information Systems Technology Management 14(2): 239-261.

Ramani, V. and S. Swami (2017). "Demand Expansion and Price Premium Effects of Marketing Effort: Modeling and Comparative Analysis." Economics Bulletin 37(2): 1234-1246.

Mukherjee, S., D. M. Romero, B. Jones and B. Uzzi (2017). "The nearly universal link between the age of past knowledge and tomorrow’s breakthroughs in science and technology: The hotspot." Science Advances 3(4): e1601315.

Mukherjee, S., D. M. Romero, B. Jones and B. Uzzi (2017). "The nearly universal link between the age of past knowledge and tomorrow’s breakthroughs in science and technology: The hotspot." Science Advances 3(4): e1601315.

Moorthi, Y. and S. Roy (2017). "Is “proof” the Eighth “P” of Service? A Conceptual Model and Propositions." Services Marketing Quarterly 38(4): 213-225.

Maity, A. K., V. Pradhan and U. Das (2017).

Lahkar, R. (2017). "Equilibrium selection in the stag hunt game under generalized reinforcement learning." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 138: 63-68.

Jain, T. and J. Hazra (2017). "Sourcing strategies under agglomeration economies, capacity risks and retail competition." International Journal of Production Economics 191: 311-322.

Cheung, M.-W. and R. Lahkar (2017). "Nonatomic potential games: the continuous strategy case." Games Economic Behavior.

Chakrabarti, A. S. and R. Lahkar (2017). "An evolutionary analysis of growth and fluctuations with negative externalities." Dynamic Games Applications: 1-28.

Roy, S. and S. Mohapatra (2017). "Female, married and endorsing: integrating celebrity marital status, role congruence and credibility." Journal of Strategic Marketing 25(1): 14-30.

Roy, S. and S. N. Sanyal (2017). "Perceived consumption vulnerability of elderly citizens: A qualitative exploration of the construct and its consequences." Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 20(4): 469-485.

Technology readiness, perceived ubiquity and M-commerce adoption: the moderating role of privacy." Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 11(3): 268-295.

Raut, L. K. (2017). "Cost-effectiveness, Competitiveness and Export Performance of Indian Private Firms." Studies in Microeconomics 5(1): 14-34.

Sharma, P. (2017). "Economic value of portfolio diversification: Evidence from international multi-asset portfolios." Theoretical and Applied Economics 24(4).

Sharma, P. (2017). "Long-term persistence in corporate capital structure: Evidence from India." International Business and Finance 42: 249-261.

Swati, S. and S. Prateek (2017). "Educational mismatch and its impact on earnings: evidence from Indian labour market." International Journal of Social Economics 44(12): 1778-1795.

Sumit Kumar - "Option-Implied Risk- Neutral Density Estimation: A Robust and Flexible Method"

Maity, A. K., V. Pradhan and U. Das (2017). "Bias Reduction in Logistic Regression with Missing Responses when the Missing Data Mechanism is Nonignorable." The American Statistician

Verma, R., S. Gupta and R. Birner "Can vigilance‐focused governance reforms improve service delivery? The case of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in Bihar, India." Development Policy Review. Whalen, R., B. Uzzi and S. Mukherjee (2017). "Common law evolution and judicial impact in the Age of Information." Elon L. Rev. 9: 115.


Samorani, Michele. and Ganguly, Subhamoy. (2016),

Verma, R., S. Gupta and R. Birner


Product line design and positioning using add-on services. Omkar D. Palsule-Desai, Devanath Tirupati, Janat Shah,International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 163, 16–33, 2015. Impact Factor- (2.752)

Inventory trends in emerging market supply chains: Evidence from the Indian automotive industry. Haritha Saranga,Arnab Mukherji, Janat Shah. IIMB Management Review. Volume 27 (1), 6–18, 2015. Impact Factor- (1.371)

A New Family of Induced OWA Operators. Manish Aggarwal. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Volume 30 (2), 170–205, 2015. Impact Factor- (1.886)

Celebrity endorsements and women consumers in India: how generation-cohort affiliation and celebrity-product congruency moderate the benefits of chronological age congruency. Subhadip Roy, Abhijit Guha, Abhijit Biswas.Marketing Letters. 1-14, 2015. Impact Factor- (1.06)

Compensative weighted averaging aggregation operators. Manish Aggarwal. Applied Soft Computing. Volume 28, 368–378, 2015. Impact Factor- (2.810)

I know it, so I do not need to touch it: Role of Brand Familiarity in Tactile Product Evaluation. Subhash Jha, M.S. Balaji. Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume 45(2), 6-18, 2015. Impact Factor- (1.1023)


Owner or endorser? Investigating the effectiveness of celebrity owners of sports teams as endorsers. Subhadip Roy,Anita Pansari. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship. Volume 15 (2): 89-106,2014.

The interplay of website aesthetics and information quality on website trust. Subhash Jha, Marla Royne, Ankit Kesharwani. Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing, Volume 2(3), 269-280, 2014.

Correlates of customer loyalty to financial institutions: a case study. Ugur Yavas, Emin Babakus , George D. Deitz, Subhash Jha. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Volume 31 (3): 218 – 227,2014.

Emergency department staff planning to improve patient care and reduce costs. Subhamoy Ganguly, Stephen Lawrence, Mark Prather. Decision Sciences, Volume 45 (1):115-145,2014. Impact Factor- (1.347)

A rule of thumb for testing symmetry about an unknown median against a log right tail. Amitava Mukherjee, A.M. Abd-Elfattah, Barendra Pukait. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Volume 84 (10): 2138-2155,2014.Impact Factor- (0.635)

Rural Consumer Behavior and Strategic Marketing Innovations: An Exploratory Study in Eastern India. Saurabh Bhattacharya, Subhadip Roy. Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume 44(2): 15-25,2014. Impact Factor- (1.1023)

EM-based Likelihood Inference for Some Lifetime Distributions Based on Left Truncated and Right Censored Data and Associated Model Discrimination. N Balakrishnan, Debanjan Mitra. South African Statistical Journal. Volume 48 (2): 125-171, 2014. Impact Factor- (0.071)

Modeling and Solving a Closed-Loop Scheduling Problem with Two Types of Setups. Subhamoy Ganguly, Manuel Laguna. IIE Transactions. 1-12, 2014. Impact Factor- (1.371)

Sequential unreliable newsboy ordering policies. Divya Tiwari, Rahul Patil, Janat Shah. Annals of Operations Research.Volume 233(1) 449-463,2014. Impact Factor- (1.217)

Supply chain analysis under green sensitive consumer demand and cost sharing contract. Debabrata Ghosh, Janat Shah. International Journal of Production Economics. Volume 164, 319–329, 2014. Impact Factor- (2.752)

The five factor model of personality and knowledge transfer in the United Arab Emirates. Michael B. Harari, Naveen Kumar Jain, Thomas Joseph. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Volume 22(4), 399-410, 2014. Impact Factor- (0.814)


Channel coordination in green supply chain management. Sanjeev Swami & Janat Shah. Journal of the Operational Research Society, Volume 64,336–351, 2013. Impact Factor- (0.989)

Evaluating outsourcing partners' capability: a case study from the pharmaceutical supply chain.Min Zhang, Kulwant S. Pawar, Janat Shah, Peeyush Mehta. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Volume 24(8), 1080-1101, 2013.

Understanding the Orientation of gen y toward mobile applications and in-app. Ketaki Bhave, Varsha Jain, Subhadip Roy. International Journal of Mobile Marketing,Volume 8(1),2013. Impact Factor- (1.221)

Control Charts for Simultaneous Monitoring of Unknown Mean and Variance of Normally Distributed Processes. A. K.McCracken, S Chakraborti, A. Mukherjee. Journal of Quality Technology, Volume 45 (4): 360-376, 2013.


A comparative analysis of greening policies across supply chain structures.Debabrata Ghosh, Janat Shah, International Journal of Production Economics,Volume 135 (2), 568-583, 2012. Impact Factor- (2.752)

Second-order duality for a nondifferentiable minimax fractional programming under generalized α-univexity. SK Gupta, D Dangar ,Sumit Kumar. Journal of Inequalities and Applications,187, 2012 . Impact Factor- (0.82)

Concentrated Promotional Efforts and Product Diffusion: A Normative Analysis. Karmeshu, Prashant Baliga, Janat Shah, Sanjeev Swami. Technology Operation Management. Volume 2(2), 90-101, 2012. . Impact Factor- (3.818)

Duality for nondifferentiable multiobjective higher-order symmetric programs over cones involving generalized (F,α, ρ, d)-convexity, SK Gupta, N Kailey , Sumit Kumar. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 298, 2012. Impact Factor-(0.82)