

9th Annual Convocation

IIM Udaipur hosted it’s 9th Annual Convocation on Friday, April 23rd, 2021 in a virtual mode for its Two Year MBA, batch 2019-21 and One-Year MBA GSCM and DEM, batch 2020-21. The institute was honored to welcome Ms Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Executive Chairman of Biocon Limited, as the Chief Guest.

A total of 282 students received the degree of Masters in Business Administration, 20 students received the Masters in Business Administration in Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) and 15 students received the Masters in Business Administration in Digital Enterprise Management (DEM).

The ceremony was inaugurated by Chairman sir, Mr. Pankaj Patel's address. It was then followed by awarding of degrees and gold medals to the meritorious students. Ms. Shaw graced the community with her words of wisdom. Prof. Janat Shah, Director, IIMU, addressed the students with his stimulating words. Mr. Patel congratulated the students on successful completion of their IIMU journey and concluded the Ninth Annual Convocation.

The convocation also witnessed the presence of the Board of Governors, Prof. Rajesh Agarwal - Chairperson, One-Year MBA Programs Committee (GSCM/DEM), Prof. Sandhya Bhatia - Chairperson, Two-Year MBA Programs Committee, Faculty, Visiting and Adjunct Faculty members, staff, students, parents, family members and guests.

Chairman’s address       Click Here

Director’s address          Click Here

To view the convocation, please visit: IIM Udaipur Convocation (videovc.in)