
IIM Udaipur Commemorates Partition Horrors Remembrance Day with Solemn Observance

IIM Udaipur Commemorates Partition Horrors Remembrance Day with Solemn Observance

IIM Udaipur Commemorates Partition Horrors Remembrance Day with Solemn Observance

IIM Udaipur Commemorates Partition Horrors Remembrance Day with Solemn Observance

IIM Udaipur marked Partition Horrors Remembrance Day with a solemn event dedicated to honoring the memories of those affected by the 1947 partition. The event featured a keynote address by the esteemed Lt. Gen. N.K. Singh, who spoke on the resilience and courage demonstrated during one of the most challenging periods in Indian history.

Adding depth to the occasion, students from the Live Puppets of Social Clubs performed, vividly bringing history to life and underscoring the importance of remembering the lessons of the past. The event fostered a deep sense of respect and understanding, strengthening the IIMU community's connection to the profound legacy of India's journey to independence.