
International Yoga Day at IIM Udaipur

The 5th edition of International Yoga Day on 21st June 2019 was celebrated at the IIM Udaipur Campus by the members of the Student community, Faculty and the Administrative Staff. The event was organised by the Council of Student Affairs and Team Prayatna – The social responsibility Club of IIM Udaipur. The event also witnessed the presence of over a hundred children being assisted by Maitree Manthan NGO.

International Yoga Day at IIM Udaipur

The session began with a brief address by Mrs. Parvathi Vishwanathan, eminent Yoga Instructor who has been instrumental in spreading the importance of Yoga amongst the students on the campus. She underlined the importance of Yoga in our lives and elaborated on the its role in ‘Climate Action’, which is the theme for this year’s International Yoga Day.

This was followed by an hour-long Yoga session in which all the attendees demonstrated various asanas as per the ‘Common Yoga Protocol’.

Thanks to the efforts of the Institute and Mrs. Parvathi, Yoga has been getting increasingly popular amongst students and many members of the IIMU community are availing the benefits of Yoga through daily sessions on the Campus.

International Yoga Day at IIM Udaipur
International Yoga Day at IIM Udaipur
International Yoga Day at IIM Udaipur