IIM Udaipur proudly hosted Mr. Mike Murali, Chief Fun Officer, Capgemini, for a fun and interactive session of e-Netratva, The Leadership Talk Series.
The session started with an exciting quiz to get the students energized. Post that, Mr. Murali explained how Capgemini has combined fun and CSR activities through its band' Rubber band' by planting a sapling for every minute the band plays live. He discussed the importance of having fun in your life and your workplace and shared how Capgemini made it to the Guinness World record through its employee engagement. He concluded his talk with the ten commandments of happiness that he follows and advised the community to do the same for a happy life.
The session ended with a QnA session with the students talking about implementing 'Thank God, it's Monday', the world's longest employee engagement program, to a work from home medium of employment.