
Netratva – Incedo Inc.

IIM Udaipur had the privilege of hosting Mr. Nitin Seth, Chief Executive Officer, Incedo Inc., who shared his valuable insights on 'Winning in the Digital Age.'

Netratva – Incedo Inc.

The session began with him discussing the four megatrends: The 1st Industrial Revolution, The 2nd Industrial Revolution, The Information Age, and The Digital Age. He also emphasized that we are currently at the beginning of the Digital Age, which is the fusion of technologies.

Further, Mr. Seth discussed the nature of the Digital Age called VUCA, i.e., Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. Additionally, he mentioned how mastering duality is the defining leadership attribute for the Digital Age and that it is our opportunity for continuous growth.

The session ended with a QnA round with the students. They discussed the concepts of digital transformation and the differentiating factors for companies to qualify as winners and laggards.

Digital Age is the age of abundance

Mr. Nitin Seth, Chief Executive Officer
Incedo Inc.