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The Advisory Board comprises highly esteemed professionals and entrepreneurs who are passionate about utilizing and enabling digitalization. The Advisory Board includes founders of successful online digital platforms as well as professionals from the e-commerce industry, senior members of leading management consulting firms, top-ranking executives from leading technology companies and digital transformers from large brick and mortar organizations.
Business consultant for the consumer goods division. Led and executed consulting projects in sales and marketing for consumer goods companies in North America, Europe and India.
Business consultant in the consumer goods division. Executed multiple consulting projects in the retail and consumer goods domains in North America and India.
Co-founder of the start-up providing educational services for students in the 8th to 12th grades. The services provided were an adjunct to the school curriculum with the guiding philosophy of „Why you learn what you learn‟.
Product manager for a $ 40 mn (at the time) flagship brand – Dabur Chyawanprash. Responsible for all brand related activities including advertising, brand budgeting, trade and consumer promotions and implementation, media planning and buying, demand planning and forecasting.
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