Foundations of Research Methodologies in Behavioural Research

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Foundations of Research Methodologies in Behavioural Research

Foundations of Research Methodologies in  Behavioural Research


The Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) aims to enhance India's research ecosystem by facilitating collaborations between Indian institutions and leading global institutions from 28 selected nations. This initiative focuses on joint research efforts to address national and international challenges, fostering knowledge exchange and leveraging global expertise.

Course Overview

This intensive doctoral-level course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to study complex behavioural research problems through rigorous research methodologies and modelling techniques with a special focus on management and marketing disciplines. Research methods are essential knowledge for researchers across all research fields in business disciplines, enabling robust empirical research to understand emerging complex business research questions, especially in the understudied disciplines of healthcare sector, entrepreneurship in healthcare, and impact of digital technologies on health and well-being of rural and emerging populations. Undertaking complex research projects that study human behavior, under complex social systems and advanced technological systems, necessitates applications of rigorous research methodologies. It also requires developing methodological expertise in navigating challenges associated with longitudinal quantitative and qualitative data collections and processing of such data into insights and reportable research findings. Quantitative and empirical investigations concentrate on deploying a robust research design and a scientific method to minimize errors and bias, thereby enhancing the quality and impact of the research project. In this course, we will examine the principles and foundations of research methodologies and learn how to tackle unique design and methodological challenges to increase the robustness and precision of our empirical research projects.

This course is geared towards providing exposure to theories and methodologies tailored to research in the disciplines of management and marketing.

The course will be delivered in face-to-face mode only at the Indian Institute of Management Udaipur campus located in Balicha. Interested candidates are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form indicating their interest in attending the course. The course has limited capacity of 30 participants, so kindly submit your EOI as soon as possible. The duration of the course will be five days. Candidates will be shortlisted based on their CV, a Statement of Purpose (400 words). Course completion certificate will be given to participants who mark more than 80% attendance in the course and complete a short presentation.


The primary objectives of the course are as follows:

  • Impart participants with basic and advanced concepts of research design and methodologies.
  • Advance participants’ understanding of designing and managing complex research projects for high quality outputs.
  • Develop participants’ analytical knowledge and skills to evaluate complex behavioural datasets.
  • Capability building in participants to apply various research method tools, techniques, and models to study human behaviour in real-world settings.
  • Expose participants to new research tools and software for managing and analysing datasets to improve the overall outputs of research projects.
  • Gain expertise in conducting high quality research in management disciplines.
Tentative Schedule
Day & DateSessionContents
DAY 1Sessions 1, 2, 3Introductions
  • Introduction to the Course, Introduction to Research Methods, and Longitudinal Research
Foundations of Experimental Research
DAY 2Sessions 1, 2, 3Pilot Projects and Co-Design Discussions (Facilitated Independent Work)
  • Co-design of a pilot project
Foundational Research Methodological Practices for Empirical Research
  • Measurements, Validity, Reliability
  • Correlations, Covariances
  • Factor Analyses
DAY 3Sessions 1, 2, 3Quantitative Modeling and Analyses Techniques
  • ANOVA, t-tests, ANCOVA modeling
  • Regression models
  • Power Analyses
Discussions on Co-Design and Pilot Projects
DAY 4Sessions 1, 2Conducting Qualitative Research
  • Introduction to Qualitative Research – When and Why to Do it?
  • Different Approaches
  • Choosing/Clarifying a Phenomenon to Study
Qualitative Data Collection and Analyses
  • Sample Size, Sampling Methods, Access, Rigor
  • Coding, Types, Data Structure/Templates, Theorizing
Excursion in the City
DAY 5Sessions 1, 2, 3Presentations and Discussions
  • Presentations and discussions with Faculty on the Implementation of the Pilot Projects
  • Collaboration discussions, next steps
Future Planning of Collaborative Work
  • Issues relating to the completion of the pilot project and future expansion/scaling up.
  • Writing of Papers based on pilot projects.
Wrap-Up, Closing Session with Certificate Ceremony

Please note:

  • Each session is 90 mins duration.
  • This is a tentative schedule which is subject to change. The final course schedule will be made available to participants in March.
Eligibility to Participate

Doctoral scholars and other scholars interested in learning research methods, research designs, and analytical research skills.

All participants must complete this registration form before 5 March to secure their spot in the course:

Subject Experts and Course Coordinators
Indian Institute of Management Udaipur (IIMU),

Balicha, Udaipur- 313001
Rajasthan, India.