Organisation and Function

IIM Udaipur - Best MBA colleges in india

Organisation and Function

Sl. No.ItemDetails of Disclosed
1Organisation & Function
1.1Particulars of Organisation, Functions and Duties [Section 4(1)(b)(I)]
1.1.1Name and Address of the OrganizationIndian Institute of Management Udaipur, Balicha, Udaipur-313001, Rajasthan, India

+91 766 910 9664
0294 - 2477100

09:00 AM to 01:00 PM and
02:00 PM to 05:30 PM
Monday to Friday

1.1.2Head of the OrganisationHead of the Organisation

Email id:
Date of Joining: 01-Aug-2022
Please click ( to view the Director's Profile.

1.1.3Vision, Mission and Key Objectives

IIMU creates an environment where our students, our faculty and our staff can achieve their maximum potential. All categories of IIMU stakeholders were involved in the process of articulating the Institute's statement of its Mission, Core Values and Culture.

  • We commit to thought leadership in research that builds theory and inspires practice.
  • We create responsible leaders by providing values-based and application-oriented management education.
  • We provide a transformational learning experience.
  • We contribute to the development of the region by focusing on wealth creation and social welfare.
Core Values
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Mutual Respect
  • Inclusion
  • Environmental consciousness/ecological sustainability
  • A faculty-governed institute with a culture of academic excellence fostered by rigour in teaching and research.
  • A culture which inspires entrepreneurship and innovation
  • A non-hierarchical culture that encourages freedom of thought and expression for all
  • A culture which promotes openness and transparency in all processes and information exchange
  • A culture that provides an inclusive environment for growth
1.1.4Functions and Duties
1.1.5Organisation Structure

Please click here to view the Organization Chart

1.1.6Any other details-the genesis, inception, formation of the department and the HoDs from time to time as well as the committees/Commissions constituted from time to time have been dealt
Board of Governors

Our Board of Governors comprises, outstanding business leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals from the corporate world, government sector, academia and the development sector. Their vision, knowledge and leadership are invaluable in guiding the Institute as we strive towards becoming a globally recognized management school.

Academic Council

The Academic Council performs the following functions.

  • The criteria and process for admission to courses or programmes of study offered by the Institute;
  • The academic content of programmes and courses of study and undertake modifications therein; and
  • The academic calendar, guidelines for the conduct of examination and recommend the grant of degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions or titles. at the Institute and make suggestions to the Board regarding the institution and modification of incentives and rewards for high-quality research; and
  • Exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as may be conferred on it by the Board, from time to time.
Building Committee

The Building Committee performs the following functions under the overall directions of the Board:

  • Preparation and scrutiny of all development activities pertaining to any campus of the Institute.
  • Assess the need for, feasibility and financial viability of the capital works and renovation projects.
  • Monitoring the progress of construction of all major capital works.
Finance and Audit Committee (FAC)

Exercise oversight, advise and make recommendations to the Board on such matters as follows:

  • Financial management and reporting accounts,
  • Audit (auditors, Chief Audit Executive and Internal Audit Committee),
  • Investments,
  • Budgeting,
  • Internal controls and risk management,
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. + HODs information Academic/Administrative/ Centres.
1.2Power and Duties of its Officers and Employees [Section 4(1) (b)(ii)]
1.2.1Powers and Duties of Officers
1.2.2Power and Duties of other Employees
1.2.3Rules/ orders under which powers and duty are derived and
1.2.5Work allocation
1.3Procedure followed in decision-making process [Section 4(1)(b)(iii)]
1.3.1Process of decision making Identify key decision-making points

The Institute has the Chairman, Board of Governors, Director, Chief of Administration, who carry out the various functions of the Institute as per procedures laid down in the Rules of the Institute. The decision is communicated to public by announcements, advertisements and through website. The final authority to vet the decisions is the Director. The Institute takes decision regarding academic matters, students' affairs, staff affairs, finance, facilities of the Institute and infrastructure.

1.3.2Final decision-making authority

The Director in most day to day cases and the Board of Governors in specific cases as mandated in the IIM Act 2017, IIM Rules 2018 and IIMU Regulations 2021

1.3.3Related provisions, acts, rules etc.
1.3.4Time limit for taking decisions, if any

Time taken for taking various decisions in various sections are as follows:
Academics - As per Programmes and Schedule of events
Administration - Decisions are taken as per priority of the functional requirement of the day to day activities of various Departments/Sections.

1.3.5Channel of Supervision and accountabilityAs per the Organizational Chart and Hierarchy of the institute.
1.4Norms for Discharge of Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]
1.4.1Nature of functions/services offered

The following characteristics underlie all our programs and activities.


IIMU provides students with the freedom and institutional support they need to explore their entrepreneurial ambitions. This is reflected in all aspects of our programs: in-depth orientation to entrepreneurship on day one; an inspiring range of elective courses; intensive mentoring during the program and beyond; flexible placement options for students choosing to pursue an entrepreneurial venture; assistance in procuring seed funding and equity capital.

If being an entrepreneur excites you, there is no better place to be in India.

International Perspective

At IIM Udaipur, learning has no boundaries. Our initiatives to instill a global perspective are an integral part of all our activities: the International Business in Practice elective in the two year MBA enables students to work on short-duration consulting assignments at international locations and the one year GSCM program gives students the option of spending an entire five-month semester at Purdue University mastering advanced global SCM. Other opportunities include international student exchange programs and overseas summer internships.

Immersion as a Philosophy

The world over, MBA programs are realizing that learning is best achieved by doing. At IIMU, this indispensable idea translates to Immersion – in other words, getting students to dive into real-life environments and explore learning for themselves:

Rural Immersion, where students gain an understanding of rural India by spending a week in a village where they work closely with NGOs to appreciate on-the-ground realities and challenges faced by those at the bottom of the pyramid

Corporate Immersion, through live projects and internships in India and abroad

International Immersion, through student exchanges, internships, and courses like International Business in Practice

Industry Interface

Our priority is to ensure that students understand how theory meets practice across all functional areas. We create many opportunities for students to rub shoulders and match wits with industry leaders throughout the year. These interactions are not limited to internships, live projects and case discussions. The students organize and moderate summits and panel discussions that bring together experts, thinkers and practitioners from India and abroad. Students also benefit from intensive mentoring by committed and enthusiastic industry professionals.

Services/Programmes Offered at IIMU :
1.4.2Norms/ standards for functions/ service delivery

Norms and Standards for various activities of the Institute are those as laid down by the competent authority, such as, the BoG. The Annual Report prepared under the direction of BoG and its annual meetings along with audited accounts, etc., of the Institute.

1.4.3Process by which these services can be accessed
1.4.4 Time limit for achieving the targetsRefer to 1.3.4
1.4.5Process of Redressal of Grievances
1.5Rules, Regulations, Instructions Manual and Records for Discharging Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(v)]
1.5.1Title and nature of the record/ manual /instructionPlease Click here to view more information
1.5.2List of Rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records.Please Click here to view more information
1.5.3Acts/ Rules manuals etc.Please Click here to view more information
1.5.4Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders
Transfer policy

There is no transfer policy for the faculty of the Institute. IIM Udaipur is an autonomous Institute, hence there had been no external transfers till now. However, Internal transfer/movement (s) are decided by the Competent Authority as per requirement of the Institute.

1.6Categories of Documents held by the Authority under its Control [Section 4(1)(b) (vi)]
1.6.1Categories of documentsPlease Click here to view more information
1.6.2Custodian of documents/categoriesPlease Click here to view more information
1.7Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority [Section 4(1)(b)(viii)]
1.7.1Name of Boards, Council, Committee etc.
1.7.3Dates from which constituted
1.7.5Powers and Functions
Board of Governors

Our Board of Governors comprises, outstanding business leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals from the corporate world, government sector, academia and the development sector. Their vision, knowledge and leadership are invaluable in guiding the Institute as we strive towards becoming a globally recognized management school.

IIMU Board of Governors
Academic Council
  • The Academic Council performs following functions
  • The criteria and process for admission to courses or programmes of study offered by the Institute;
  • The academic content of programmes and courses of study and undertake modifications therein; and
  • The academic calendar, guidelines for the conduct of examination and recommend the grant of degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions or titles. at the Institute and make suggestions to the Board regarding the institution and modification of incentives and rewards for high-quality research; and
  • Exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as may be conferred on it by the Board, from time to time.

Building Committee
  • Building Committee performs the following functions under the overall directions of the Board:
  • Preparation and scrutiny of all development activities pertaining to any campus of the Institute.
  • Assess the need for, feasibility and financial viability of the capital works as also renovation projects.
  • Monitoring the progress of construction of all major capital works.

Finance and Audit Committee (FAC)
  • Exercise oversight, advise and make recommendations to the Board on such matters as follows:
  • Financial management and reporting accounts,
  • Audit (auditors, Chief Audit Executive and Internal Audit Committee),
  • Investments,
  • Budgeting,
  • Internal controls and risk management,
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

The Academic Advisory Board provides guidance to the Board of Governors and the Director concerning the course and curriculum design, content and delivery of all IIMU academic programs. The AAB also provides advice related to faculty sourcing, evaluation and retention.

Various Committees and their functions can be accessed through the link:

1.7.6Whether their meetings are open to the public?No
1.7.7Whether the minutes of the meetings are open to the public?Yes, Please Click here to view more information
1.7.8Place where the minutes if open to the public are available?Please Click here to view more information
1.8Directory of Officers and Employees [Section 4(1) (b) (ix)]
1.8.1Name and designation
1.8.2Telephone, fax and emailIIMU Directory of Employees
1.9Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees including system of compensation [Section 4(1) (b) (x)]
1.9.1List of employees with Gross monthly remuneration
1.9.2System of compensation as provided in its regulationsIIMU-1.9.2-01-Allowances and Benefits to Faculty and Staff
1.10Name, Designation and other particulars of Public Information Officers [Section 4(1) (b) (xvi)]
1.10.1Name and designation of the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO) and Appellate Authority

Address, telephone numbers and email of each designated official

First Appellate Authority/Nodal Officer

Mr. Sivakumar Mathada
Chief of Administration
Indian Institute of Management Udaipur,
Udaipur - 313 001,
Email :
Ph. No: 0294 – 2477107

Central Public Information Officer

Dr. Arvind Sharma
Indian Institute of Management Udaipur,
Udaipur - 313 001,
Email :
Ph. No: 0294 - 2477139

Click here for the Information regarding FAA, CPIO, Nodal Officer, DPIOs, etc.
1.11No. of employees against whom Disciplinary Action has been proposed / taken [Section 4(2)]
1.11.1No. of employees against whom disciplinary action has been (i) Pending for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedingsNil
1.11.2Finalised for Minor penalty or major penalty proceedingsNil
1.12Programmes to Advance Understanding of RTI [Section 26]
1.12.1Educational ProgrammesIIMU-1.12.1-01-RTI-Workshop
1.12.2Efforts to encourage public authority to participate in these programmesIIMU-1.12.3-RTI Training cum Awareness Session
1.12.3Training of CPIO/DPIOPlease access the link :
1.12.4Update & publish guidelines on RTI by the Public Authorities concernedIIMU-1.12.3-RTI Training cum Awareness Session
1.13Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders [F No. 1/6/2011- IR dt. 15.4.2013]
1.13.1Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders [F No. 1/6/2011- IR Dt. 15.4.2013]
Transfer policy

There is no transfer policy for the faculty of the Institute. IIM Udaipur is an autonomous Institute, hence there had been no external transfers till now. However, Internal transfer/movement (s) are decided by the Competent Authority as per requirement of the Institute.

Transfer Orders 2024